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politics and democracy

The word democracy comes from Greek and means "rule of the people". This means that the people - as the word suggests - hold the supreme power of the state. In a democracy, political decisions are made according to the will of the majority of the population. A distinction is essentially made between direct (see Switzerland) and representative democracy (see Germany, France or USA).

Ancient Greece, which was the first country to practice democracy, serves as a model; At that time only male full citizens were entitled to vote. In many countries around the world today - including all Western industrial nations - democracy is the formal form of government.

Even though many see democracy as the best and most progressive form of government, it has some risks and disadvantages:

A representative democracy depends on citizens' trust in their elected representatives, who are supposed to represent the interests of the population. Although every democratically elected government undertakes by oath to act for the good of its citizens and prevent harm to the people, this requirement is not always fulfilled. Instead, politicians often abuse their power to the detriment of citizens. The reason for this is that people who live without God are usually driven by their own interests. This includes both the personal and the social level.

The Bible says that all men are liars. This does not mean that people never tell the truth, but that every person is fundamentally unpredictable. As a result, people - and therefore also politicians - can only be trusted to a limited extent; which proves to be true again and again in reality.


Most people are selfish and corruptible. In some countries state and government corruption is more obvious, in others it is less obvious. In some cases, political influence occurs in an indirect manner; for example, through party donations or the promise of lucrative positions. In return, laws are made in favor of the respective clientele; even if they contradict the will of the majority. This creates dependencies that affect the political neutrality of state authorities. It is not for nothing that politics is popularly referred to as a "whore".

The influence of large corporations and powerful lobbies on political decisions is difficult to deny, but at the same time it is not always easy to prove. However, it is highly unlikely that someone would donate millions of dollars to a party without expecting anything in return. Occasionally, corruption scandals and financial affairs come to light, even if most of them have no consequences.


Many politicians are primarily concerned with coming to power and staying in power or expanding their own power and thereby enriching themselves (at the expense of others). This goal often takes precedence over actual political commitments. The pursuit of power and influence has led to the rise and fall of many nations throughout human history and brought death to countless people around the world. In order to implement their political goals, politicians need votes. Before an election, all sorts of promises are made to gain people's trust. However, it is not uncommon for previously made promises not to be kept after the election. Sometimes one's own political principles are even completely rejected. On the other hand, there were and are also politicians who are loyal to their principles. However, that does not mean that the respective principles are desirable (see Hitler and the National Socialists). Ultimately, no one knows what goals a party standing for election actually pursues. Nobody can say whether it is concerned with the well-being of the citizens or with foreign or selfish interests.

Secondly, given the countless opinions and worldviews in the world, we must ask ourselves, how do we know what is objectively best for everyone? After all, not everything that the majority of a population decides is necessarily right or good for society. The same also applies to compromises that are made within the framework of a democratic discourse. Depending on the balance of power, there are always groups of people who are excluded or disadvantaged by politics. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a government – ​​even if it pursues charitable intentions – can also make wrong decisions; with negative consequences for people. Ultimately, democracy remains a struggle for power and interests that benefits some more and others less.


Although every democratic state is obliged to protect the basic rights of its citizens guaranteed in the constitution, practice shows that attempts are repeatedly made to undermine or circumvent basic rights and civil liberties and to pursue one's own political agenda by any means, even without the consent of the peoples. Every now and then it happens that entire elections are manipulated in order to maintain one's own power. On the other hand, voters' opinion and decision-making process is also influenced in various ways; for example through media reporting or through various political actions. In the end, every election in a democracy always remains a step into the unknown; sometimes with irreversible consequences.

God's concept of a peaceful and just world that all people strive for is simple and ideal. In contrast to current world politics, God's model of society benefits all people without exception. God expects us to love Him by obeying His commandments and giving Him glory in everything, since He is the One from whom everything comes. In return, God gives us His blessings, which affect all areas of our lives; be it health, harvest, success or fertility. Living in harmony with God's will brings peace, freedom, prosperity and security to all people. Conversely, ignoring God's commandments and orders always leads to war, chaos and social injustice; as we currently see in the world.

God is our Father who loves us humans. He is the only one who always has everyone's well-being in mind. God is true and faithful. There is no one but him whom we as humans trust implicitly and whose promises we can rely on 100%. Because God keeps what he promises. Furthermore, God is not wrong and never makes wrong decisions. Furthermore, unlike Mens, God is absolutely incorruptible. The land of Israel at the time of King David and his son Solomon testifies to how much a nation under God's blessing can flourish economically and culturally within a very short period of time. Conversely, the Bible teaches us that any people who turn their backs on God's commandments will sooner or later perish.

In addition, a life with God does not end with death, but continues with the resurrection of the dead until eternity, in a world in which there is no longer death or suffering in any form. This life that God promises to all who believe in Jesus Christ cannot be offered to us by any state in the world - regardless of whether it is democratic or not.



Exodus 20,12

Exodus 23,25

Leviticus 26,3-4

Deuteronomy 5,29

Deuteronomy ,12-13


2nd Chronicles 7,14

Psalm 31,19

Proverbs 2,7

Proverbs 10,22

Isaiah 11,1-9

Isaiah 65,17-25

Jeremiah 17,7-8

Revelation 21,1-7

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