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It is well known that exercise keeps the body and mind healthy. The Bible says our bodies are God's property. Accordingly, God expects us to deal with him responsibly, i.e. to nourish and care for him and protect him from harmful influences. This includes, among other things, getting enough exercise every day.


However, commercial competitive sport is usually neither about God nor about one's own physical training, but about competition and personal financial profit. For the spectators, on the other hand, the focus is on fun and entertainment. Sports events - such as a soccer game - are usually associated with strong emotions, which are shown, among other things, in exuberant euphoria. During a major sporting event, an atmosphere is created that often puts people in a frenzy of emotion. While natural joy is God-given, the Bible specifically encourages a level head. This means, among other things, that a person should not be overwhelmed by his feelings or let himself be carried away by anything that people do.

Competitive sport, especially soccer, exerts a tremendous attraction on people - especially on young people. Today's sport or football cult can therefore be regarded as a modern form of idolatry. This, in turn, violates God's command that man should worship nothing and no one in the world as much as his Creator.

From an early age, children begin to identify with famous athletes, worship them as idols and imitate them as role models. It is not the virtuous character of the athletes that attracts young people, but above all the desire to be as successful and respected as them. Professional success leads to pride and cockiness in many competitive athletes. A number of the most well-known sports icons are highly vain personalities who enjoy being celebrated in front of cameras and being adored by their followers. Instead of giving glory to God, to whom they owe their lives and talents, they seek glory and recognition for themselves.


The love of a certain sports club leads to arrogance and arrogance among many supporters; both attitudes displeasing to God. The resulting rivalry behavior often manifests itself in hatred, aggression and hostility towards the opposing club and its supporters, especially when under the influence of alcohol. The willingness to use violence is particularly high among so-called "hooligans". This primarily includes damage to property and, not infrequently, bodily harm. Such behavior is in complete contradiction to God's commandments, which call for love toward our fellow human beings and our enemies. The presence of the police is often required to prevent violence between opposing groups and to ensure general safety during a game. This costs the state millions in tax money every year, which is much more urgently needed for other areas such as education, infra-structure or social assistance.

For some, football or sport is their whole purpose in life, which serves to endure the emptiness of their existence. These people invest a lot of money and time just to see their favorite club play and to forget the bleakness of everyday life for a moment. Many of them seek identity and meaning for their lives in the community with like-minded people. In truth, however, exercise distracts people from God. A person can only find true joy of life in fellowship with God, his Creator.

Commercial competitive sport is also a great temptation for believers. Christians should not emulate any teams or athletes, but their Lord Jesus Christ. Also, they should not waste their money and time on expensive hobbies or futile amusements, but consider how they can use them for God's purposes and for the benefit of their fellow human beings.

In order to stay healthy in the long term and to be able to serve God with all your might, sports such as daily walking or hiking, swimming, cycling or jogging are particularly suitable.


Exodus 20,3

Matthew 6,24

Luke 10,27

Luke 16,15

Luke 18,18-27

John 5,44
1st Korinthians 6,12

2nd Timothy 3,1-4


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