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10 reasons to love God

10 signs that God loves us



God gave us life

God is the origin of our existence.

We owe it to him alone that we exist.

Life is a masterpiece of this ingenious creator.


God gave us the earth

The whole universe and nature bear the signature of God. The beauty and grace

of his creation testify to God's love

and unique creativity.



God made us humans unique

God gave us a body and a personality,

along with a multitude of amazing and versatile qualities and skills. The finest

gift of all is the ability to love.



God entrusted his creation

to us humans

God has placed all his works under

the care of man so that we can lovingly

and conscientiously care for them

and keep them.



God gave us the gift

of creating life

One of the greatest miracles besides

life itself is the ability to create life.

What a joy it is to see a little person grow up.



God gave his Son for us

God sent his son Jesus into the world whom

he appointed to be the savior of mankind. Although Jesus was without sin, he died out of love for the sins of all people so that whoever believes in him might have eternal life.



God is gracious and merciful

God is willing to forgive us our debts if we sincerely repent. God gives us a new beginning  in peace with ours Creator and Father.



God is faithful and reliable

Those who place their trust in God experience his help and care, even in the greatest need. Even death can no longer harm a child of God.


God has always

the best in mind for us

God always leads and directs our life towards the good; better than we could ever do ourselves. Those who trust God and act according to his will experience this.



God gives all people a living hope

God promises all who are reconciled to him an incomparable future in his coming kingdom of peace on earth where there will never be more suffering, pain or death.


“O taste and see that the Lord

is good: blessed is the man

that trusts in Him."


  The Bible: Psalm 34, Verse 8   



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