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human rights

Human rights include fundamental rights and individual rights of people that have now been ratified by almost all countries in the world. In addition to general human rights, there are special rights for children, which are summarized in the so-called UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

While human rights are generally derived from human dignity, they can never apply independently of God. Since we humans owe our existence to God, HE should be at the center of our lives. There is no natural law that guarantees life. Likewise, there is no right to a long and happy life. We humans are not naturally entitled to demand health, wealth, security or other things. All of these things are gifts from God that we can gratefully and humbly accept from God's hand; just like every other good thing we receive from God. Everything God gives us, He can take back any time He wants; without being accountable to anyone. Since our life also comes from God, He can end it at any time.

In contrast to the UN human rights, which apply regardless of how someone lives, we humans do not have the right before God to decide our own lives or simply do what we want. Because it is not our own values ​​and moral concepts that should determine our lives, but rather God's commandments. If we disregard God or live outside of His will, our existence loses its meaning and our life its legitimacy.

Because God knows and loves us, he gives us commandments that are good for us and that guarantee us certain rights as humans. These include, among other things, personal freedom rights, the right to physical integrity as well as protection of marriage and property as well as protection against discrimination. Some of them can also be found in the UN Convention on Human Rights. God's commandments and regulations enable us to live together in peace and security. At the same time, they protect us from arguments and damage. On the other hand, God's commandments are also associated with duties that apply equally to all people. If we violate God's commandments willingly or unintentionally, we are guilty before God. Furthermore, ignoring God's commandments also has immediate and long-term effects on us and our environment; as the current state of the world shows in a frightening way....

The Bible calls God the protector of widows and wise men. This statement can be applied to all weak and needy people who are often disadvantaged in society and often have no helper. Anyone who suffers injustice through no fault of their own or gets into trouble can turn to God at any time and count on His help and provision. Because God himself stands up for all people who love him and put their trust in him. Even if circumstances do not change (immediately), God strengthens us within and helps us bear the burdens of this life. At the same time, God expects us to stand up for the well-being and rights of disadvantaged people.

But not all rights that are formulated in the UN Convention on Human Rights or guaranteed by the state are also valid before God. This applies, for example, to people and minorities whose attitudes and lifestyles clearly contradict God's commandments. Anyone who intentionally acts against God's will cannot rely on God's protection. Since God is our Creator, He is not bound by earthly conventions or legal systems. Rather, God's commandments fundamentally trump human commandments. God also does not judge us humans based on our human standards, but rather according to his holy, divine standard, which we find in the Bible, the Word of God.

Because God is just and cares about the well-being of all people, he wants us to obey his commandments so that everyone prospers. But since God is also kind and patient, he does not immediately punish us humans for our transgressions. Instead, God gives us the chance to repent of our sins and return to living in a way that pleases Him and is in keeping with our purpose. This in turn is the precondition for God to be able to forgive us our sins. By recognizing and acting on God's commandments, we show that we love God and honor Him as Creator. In return, we receive blessings from God that benefit us and those around us.



2nd Chronicles 19,7

Psalm 25,8-9

Psalm 37,28

Psalm 82,3

Isaiah 1,17

Ezekiel 18,21

Proverbs 2,8

Proverbs 10,3

Proverbs 21,3

Proverbs 31,9

Matthew 5,10-12

Acts 10,34-35

Hebrews 13,5-6

1st Peter 3,14

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