Who created God?
This question is based on the assumption that every effect must have a cause. Since everything created has a cause, it is concluded that God must also have a cause. However, this argument contains a crucial flaw in reasoning. For the assumption that every effect has a cause does not mean that God is an effect or that everything must necessarily have a cause. That the universe has a cause is shown, among other things, by the fact that there are parameters without which neither life could exist nor the universe exist in its current form.. These parameters are space, time, matter and energy. Neither can energy and matter create themselves out of nothing, nor can individual elements assemble into a complex, functional system without an ordering force. God, on the other hand, consists of neither energy nor matter and is nevertheless real andalive.
In addition, laws that are precisely coordinated mathematically and physically operate throughout the universe. This finetuning is what makes life possible. This circumstance also clearly shows the existence of a higher power, which has determined and coordinated all parameters and laws. Consequently, God himself as the cause must stand above everything and exist independently of space, time, matter and all scientific laws. In contrast to the created universe and us humans, God is not conditioned by any external factors or limited by anything; neither through space nor time nor anything else. God exists by himself. If there were something that limited God, he would not be God. The cause-effect principle cannot therefore be transferred to God.
Because of his intelligence, man believes that he can explain God. The truth, however, is that there are things that are beyond our comprehension. The assumption that God - the creator of the universe - can be understood or explained with our limited mind is absurd and presumptuous at the same time. The purpose of our lives is not to explain God, but to love Him and live according to His plan for our lives. This is the true knowledge of God and at the same time the basis for peace, freedom and lasting happiness.
Job 38,1-41
Job 39,1-30
Job 40,1-32
Job 41,1-26
Psalm 139,1-18
Isaiah 55,9
Isaiah 40,26
Jeremiah 10,6
Ecclesiastes 3,14
Ecclesiastes 3,11
Ecclesiastes 8,17
Ecclesiastes 12,12-14
Romans 11,33
1st Corinthians 3,18-20
1st Corinthians 8,1-3